Bc337 datasheet pdf 50v, 800ma, to92 npn transistor. About 29% of these are transistors, 55% are integrated circuits, and 2% are electronics stocks. Bc337, bc337 npn general purpose transistor, buy bc337 transistor. General purpose npn transistors universalnpntransistoren ic 800 ma hfe 160250400 tjmax 150c. Bc337 datasheet pdf npn amplifier transistors bc337 on semiconductor, bc337 datasheet, bc337 pdf, bc337 pinout, equivalent, bc337 data, bc337 circuit. Marking codes type number marking code1 bc817 6d bc81716 6a bc81725 6b bc81740 6c bc817w 6d bc81716w 6a bc81725w 6b bc81740w 6c bc337 c337 bc33716 c33716 bc33725 c33725 bc33740 c33740. Marking codes type number marking code1 bc817 6d bc817 16 6a bc81725 6b bc81740 6c bc817w 6d bc81716w 6a bc81725w 6b bc81740w 6c bc337 c337 bc337 16 c33716 bc337 25 c33725 bc337 40 c33740. Mar 21, 2015 100600 for the dc current gain see completely in datasheet, 1. Kollektoremitterspannung b open vceo 45 v 25 v emitterbasevoltage emitterbasisspannung c open vebo 5 v. Bc3372 sc43a plastic singleended leaded through hole package. In active region, the transistor operate as an amplifierthe junction baseemitter is forward biased. Vce 45 v, vbe 0 bc337 vce 25 v, vbe 0 bc338 ices 100 100 nadc emitter cutoff current veb 4.
I assume you know what transistors are, but just want to know about this type. It can handle continuous dc currents of up to 800ma. Active regionsaturation regioncutoff region1 active region characteristics. The bc337 is an npn transistor commonly used in low power amplifier circuits. Bc337 npn transistor a general purpose npn transistor in a to92 package, suitable for switching and amplifier applications.
Bc33716 datasheet, bc33716 pdf, bc33716 data sheet, bc33716 manual, bc33716 pdf, bc33716, datenblatt, electronics bc33716, alldatasheet, free, datasheet. Npn transistor maximum ratings and electrical characteristics t a25. This is the bc337, an npn silicon bjt bipolar junction transistor. Bc337 datasheet, bc337 pdf, bc337 data sheet, bc337 manual, bc337 pdf, bc337, datenblatt, electronics bc337, alldatasheet, free, datasheet, datasheets, data sheet. Trusemi bc33716 transistor npn to92 50v rapid online. The bc337 has three part names, the gain value of bc33716 is 100 to 250, for bc33725 it is 160 to 400 and for bc33740 it is 250 to 630. Bc337d bc337, bc33725, bc33740 amplifier transistors npn silicon features these are pb.
Allieds handbook of transistor fundamentals author. Apr 26, 2017 i assume you know what transistors are, but just want to know about this type. If ordered before 12pm super fast delivery limited areas. Bc337 16 bc337 25 e to92 b c npn general purpose amplifier this device is designed for use as general purpose amplifiers and switches requiring collector currents to 500 ma. The bc337 transistor is an npn general purpose transistor. General purpose transistors best suited for use in driver and output stages of audio amplifier.
Bc477 ft min 100 mhz hfe min 50 transistor polarity pnp current ic continuous max 0. Bc33716 bc33725 bc33716 bc33725 e b to92 c npn general purpose amplifier, semiconductor corporation max units bc33716 bc33725 625 5. Bc337, amplifier transistors bc33716, bc33725, bc33740. The bc337 is specifically rated at 50v and 800ma max. Bc337 16 bc337 25 e b to92 c npn general purpose amplifier this device is designed for use as general purpose amplifiers and switches requiring collector currents to 500 ma. The bc337 is a dropin replacement for the p2n2222a transistor. Detailed information of bc337 npn general purpose transistor datasheet from philips can be downloaded in 9 pages56 kb of pdf filetype. All these are often available as cheaply as any other transistor available look around and have abpout as good a combination of current, current gain and general usefulness as anyhing. C 33725 bc337 25 npn general purpose transistor bc337 bc337 16 bc337 npn transistor datasheet bc33716 bc337 bc33725 bc337 16 text. Suitable for afdriver stagees and power output stages. Bc337 datasheet pdf npn amplifier transistors on semi.
Bc337, bc337 datasheet, bc337 npn general purpose transistor datasheet, buy bc337 transistor. Trusemi bc337 16 trusemi bc337 16 transistor npn to92 50v small signal transistor with silicon planar epitaxial construction, designed for the driver javascript is currently disabled in your browser, please turn it on to avoid loss of functionality. Jameco will remove tariff surcharges for online orders on instock items learn more. Free packages are available maximum ratings rating symbol value unit collector emitter voltage bc546 bc547 bc548 vceo 65 45 30 vdc collector base voltage bc546 bc547 bc548 vcbo 80 50 30 vdc emitter base voltage vebo 6. In the datasheet you will find absolute maximum rating for collector base voltage vcbo.
Bc337 datasheet, bc337 pdf, bc337 data sheet, bc337 manual, bc337 pdf, bc337. Bc546b, bc547a, b, c, bc548b, c amplifier transistors npn silicon features pb. Bc33716 bc33725 npn general purpose amplifier bc33716 bc33725 this device is designed for use as general purpose amplifiers and switches requiring collector currents to 500 ma. Philips bc337 npn general purpose transistor datasheet. Bc337xbk bc338xbk bc337xbk bc338xbk general purpose siepitaxial planar transistors npn npn siepitaxial planartransistoren fur universellen einsatz version 20100527 0. Bc337 datasheet, equivalent, cross reference search. Philips, alldatasheet, datasheet, datasheet search site for electronic components. Nov 05, 2018 bc337 datasheet pdf 50v, 800ma, to92 npn transistor fairchild, bc337 datasheet, bc337 pdf, bc337 pinout, bc337 equivalent, bc337 data, bc337 circuit. Recent listings manufacturer directory get instant. In saturation region, the transistor operates as an. Bc33716 datasheet, equivalent, cross reference search. These devices are used for general purpose switching and amplification, e. Three modes of operating region of transistors are. Bc328 maximum ratings 2 grenzwerte 2 bc337 bc338 collectoremittervolt.
Oct 28, 2015 bc337 datasheet pdf npn amplifier transistors bc337 on semiconductor, bc337 datasheet, bc337 pdf, bc337 pinout, equivalent, bc337 data, bc337 circuit. Absolute maximum ratings ta 25c unless otherwise noted. I get datasheets from your circuit design determines the output current. A wide variety of transistors a42 b331 options are available to you. Datasheet search engine for electronic components and semiconductors. Bc337, bc337 25, bc337 40 amplifier transistors npn silicon features. Bc546b, bc547a, b, c, bc548b, c amplifier transistors. Bc337 2 sc43a plastic singleended leaded through hole package. The bc337 is an npn transistor, capable of handling up to 625 mw, with collector voltage of 50v, collector current of 800ma. In saturation region, the transistor operates as an closed. Trusemi bc33716 trusemi bc33716 transistor npn to92 50v small signal transistor with silicon planar epitaxial construction, designed for the driver javascript is currently disabled in your browser, please turn it on to avoid loss of functionality. Some part number from the same manufacture st microelectronics, inc. Npn general purpose transistor, bc337 datasheet, bc337 circuit, bc337 data sheet.
Free devices maximum ratings rating symbol value unit collector. The transistor can provide a maximum gain hfe of 630. This is a pdf format of the well known hardware pinout book, which covers various computer, electrical and electronic item pinouts. Bc337 datasheet14 pages motorola amplifier transistor. Bc337 16 bc337 25 npn general purpose amplifier bc337 16 bc337 25 this device is designed for use as general purpose amplifiers and switches requiring collector currents to 500 ma. Bc337 bc338 i 800 ma v 2545 v 160250400 ptot 625 mw. Kollektoremitterspannung eb short vces 50 v 30 v collectoremittervolt. Bc337 datasheet pdf 50v, 800ma, to92 npn transistor fairchild, bc337 datasheet, bc337 pdf, bc337 pinout, bc337 equivalent, bc337 data, bc337 circuit. This little transistor can help in your project by being used to help drive large loads or amplifying or switching applications.
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